
Wednesday, March 30, 2011



Salam Readers.

This few weeks, it had been raining heavily in Terengganu. Weird, since for the last three years (where I first registered in UDM a.k.a UniSZA), the weather is different. My sweat is the one that will drop heavily like rains because the chubby sun follows me everywhere I go.

Everyday, we will have to go through a heavy clouds (but I never lifted or weighed any of the clouds, so please don't ever ask me the weight). All the gentleman will turn to genTELman, since we had to bring umbrella everywhere. Bak kate pepatah Melayu, ready an umbrella before rain pours.

Some people says the situation indicates "end of the day" is near. And some says it happens as the effect of Japan's tsunami (although I myself don't understand the correlation between those two...)

29 March, the rains was the heaviest and loudest for two days non stop. Flood is everywhere. Many motorcycles jammed at the middle of the road. Cars are packed. Two lanes become one, some roads are blocked. Even the UniSZA bus had late for TWO HOURS! and because of that, we late for our class...huhu

At night, I walked to A&W and ordered "coney dog" for my dinner. My comment, "not to not bad".

Since it is situated right at Pantai Batu Burok, so I decided to take a "tour" there. Using my unique colonial-Japanese handphone torchlight, this is what I discovered.


Peribahasa yg sesuai menggambarkan keadaan nie. Tinggi jugak la pantai Batu Burok nie "terbelah". Itu pun nasib ade longkang yg menahan air laut. Kalau tak, mungkin ombak dah smpai ke UniSZA Kampus KOTA kot.. :p

Tapi, hairan jugak sebenarnye...knape dis part aje yg kene "hakisan" ek? Anybody has an answer? Sampaikan boleh TERBELAH pantai cmnie....hurmm~

- e. . n. d. -


republic of CENDOL said...

damn bad had happen to "lovely" pantai batu burok...
now the name is really suitable with the pantai lorh...
very the burok...
i think i know the reason y only there that bencane was occur....
if u want to know further sms me..

bLaCk | maWaR said...

WHOAAA..ASPSAL Pbb JADIK MACAM TU....da tak best la nnty.

tp xheran pon coz paras air meningkat each year kan..mana dengan tganu ada monsun lagi...

asrul, tlg tapaw kepok lekor losong utk saya boley?

HEROICzero said...

coney dog, dh x sedap macam dulu uh.

hakisan sebab, situ punca sungai. cuba tengok mesti ada air mengalir kat celah2 situ.

ainiadam said...

ingat lagi mase kecik2 dulu..menda ni da lama. sbb org timbun kawasan tu, jd org tak perasan. sbb tu bila musim hujan je, ombak akan menghakis semua ni,,pantai batu burok ni jaoh beza dulu ngan sekarang. kalu dulu terasa jauh je dgn air, tp skrg, dkt je air laut tu


cendol- sebab ko byk bermaksiat kt ctu kowt...LOL

ain- PBB... ^^
sebab ade longkang pecah kt ctu, so jadikan tanah pasir tu fragile. kepok losong? beghehhh

adiL- memg x sedap lgsg pn...myesal plak beli. gler bijak ah ko dil. mesti Geog dulu ko dpt A kn..patotla dapat masok MRSM... :D

aini- betol2...n dyorg da byk sgt tambak pantai nie, jadik sgt tinggi..huhu

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