
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Food Hunting- Melaka!

Salam Readers.

Please try the variety of delicious foods in Melaka. Nanti menyesal tak cuba. So far, I had discover SEVEN that suits my tongue. I called it Seven Wonders of Malacca...
*besok-besok kalau ada tambahan, jadi la eight, pastu nine, ten, eleven, twelve, bla-bla-bla-bla*


*the arrangement is not based on ranking, all are worth trying*

1. Ikan Bakar Umbai- Parameswara
It is just about 5 - 10 km dari Lebuh AMJ. As we arrived, rupanya ada banyak kedai ikan bakar kt situ. There are many promoters outside, keep dragging us here and there with their menu. How to choose? Pe-tua orang tua-tua, kedai paling ramai orang tu paling sedap. Jadi kaki ini di landing kan di "Ikan Bakar Parameswara". Four words to describe; sedap, murah, cepat dan mesra pelanggan. Look at these pictures, delicious kan?


2- Asam Pedas- Claypot
Situated at Kota Laksamana 1. Kalau GPS, search aje Kota Laksamana 1 then u will find the restaurant. Datang Melaka tak mai pekana Asam Pedas, means u had never been to Melaka laaa. Kali pertama try, sedam-sedam aja. Takla nak cakap va-va-voom. Tapi kali kedua, terlebih sedap pulak. Sampai terhirup kuah. Cuma yang pasti, everytime I came the tables are always full. Tapi tunggu around 5 menit jer dah boleh dapat meja. Maybe it is one of the finest asam pedas in Melaka. (please told me if you think others are better)

3. Sate Kampung Jawa
Cari je Kampung Jawa, pasti ketemu. You can walk along Sungai Melaka and you will find a satay "shop" full with people. Tapi cuma available waktu tengahari je taw. Kalau lewat, mungkin u kene menjamu mata je lah. Meja and kerusi is not that much, so u would really have to be patient. This satay is special for its variety I guess. They even have "sate kerang" on its menu. And also the "organ dalaman" stuff like perut, hati, ntah ape lagi (I dont know coz I dont eat those). You just have to order for how many pax, they will sent you all the packages. The price are counted based on how many lidi kosong. :)

4. Cendol Jam Besar
Situated at one of the busiest road in Melaka. To be exact, it is located across the road in front of the Old Post Office Building. Where it is always crowded with visitors. Gerai kecik jer. Tapi sedabbb. Ada cendol pulut, cendol aiskrim, cendol durian, cendol kacang and a few more. Tried on cendol aiskrim and durian, I would say durian is better. :)

5. Restoran Pak Putra (Roti Naan + Tandoori)
If you know the road to Asam Pedas Claypot, then you would also find this restaurant. Jalan kaki semenit pun enggak sampei between those two. Roti naan nye sangat best! Lembut, cheesy and secukup rasa (memang cheesy sebab I pilih roti naan cheese). There are also roti naan garlic cheese and roti naan garlic. Ayam tandoori pon best. Went there for 3-4 times, it never disappoint me. :)

6. Coconut Shake Kelebang
First time I went to Pantai Kelebang, I saw a really long queue at one stall near the main road. Tapi malas nak queue punye pasal, I come back for second time about one month later. And the queue is still the same! Sangat panjang! Luckily mase I beratur, penjual tu cakap yang I can buy the same coconut shake at their "restaurant" di belakang jalan. I go there, it was faster. Kat sana ada meja and kerusi u boleh duduk. It is worth waiting, sebab coconut shake nye memang sedap giler!

7. Seafood in Portuguese Settlement
Jalan nak ke Kampung Portugis nie susah sikit nak explain. Tried once, and ikan bakar nye taste different. Portuguese baked style. The scenery is beautiful, tepi jeti yg cantik.

Till then, bye-bye~

*"mcm aku bisa lihat gambar ini, tapi di mana ya"...di Google Image!*

Friday, March 16, 2012



Salam readers, writers and bloggers.


Selepas hampir setahun. Bekerja dengan tekun. Pekerja kesayangan konon.
Lupa nk update blog pun.

One habbit that I can't change...setiap kali "KEMBALI" ke blog, mesti tukar nama blog baru. Kali nie jadik  "THE WRITER" plak. Takpe lah kan, my blog, my space, and my laptop. At least bagi semangat baru nak update and share stories. Besok2 kalau bosan dengan nama blog ni, tukar lain lagi....LOL.

To my readers out there. I hope you all are doing good. Sila kembali rajin kunjungi blog nie. I noticed the CHATROOM dah "rosak". Sangat ketinggalan kan, baru nak sedar. *sigh*

A Short Update
Currently working in Genting Plantations Berhad. Based in Genting Plantations Research Centre as Research Executive (R & D) in Malacca. I will write more in the next posts.

Till then, bye2. See you soon!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Master vs. Kerja


Salam Readers.

Tamat First Degree, 5 May. 25 hari berlalu. Dalam tiga minggu nie, many things happened. Mula dengan persiapan untuk Farewell Party (Memoir of Yesteryears). Then, dapat call untuk interview di Tebong, Melaka (kawasan yg agak hulu, ramai tak pernah taw kewujudan tempat nie...huhu). Kemudian, travel ke UMK untuk discuss projek Master. Sekarang baru sampai rumah.

Masa hantar classmate balik. Tak terasa sedih pun. Cuma masa dok packing barang sendiri. Tengok nota-nota. Kertas conteng2 merapu2 dalam kelas dikala kebosanan. Baju2 kenangan dapat masa zaman muda2 dok active ber program. Mula menitiskan air liur. *eeuuww~*

Okay, FOKAS (bak kate Dato Paduka Badruldin). Nak tanye pendapat kalian. 
Which one u prefer? Kerja dulu? or Master dulu? 

1- kerja as Trainee 3 bulan, before confirm jadik Research Executive di Asiatic Development Research Centre di Melaka
2- Master (Research) dalam bidang Tissue Culture + Genetics + Plant Breeding di UMK.

Both have their own PROS and CONS. If I choose to work, then I can gain working experiences in such a big company. If I go for Master, then I will have better opportunities (usually to become a lecturer) especially to a new developing university such as UMK. But, work first before do Master sounds cool gak kn? hehe.


- e. n. d -

Monday, May 23, 2011

Memoir UniSZA (Episod 2) - MAIDAM


Salam Readers. (dah tukar trademark yg "unique creatures" takot tuan punye saman copyright)

Edisi ber eye-mo emo belum tamat. Saja nak tulis2 bagi rasa kenangan tu tak luput. Bak kata my ex-MRSM Langkawi roommate, "kertas tak pernah lupa" or in this case, blog x pernah lupa.

Nak cerita pasal MAIDAM. Bukan, bukan "Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Terengganu" tu. Bukan. Ini nama kolej kediaman UniSZA yang letaknya dua puluh lapan hasta dari Bulatan Batu Bersurat, tiga ratus lapan puluh enam point tiga inci dari Pantai Batu Burok.

Mula menginap di MAIDAM (masa tu desa motel berlapan orang satu bilik). Tahun 2007. During that fullmoon, biliknya luas, ada empat katil double-decker, lapan meja stady budak2 darjah 1 warna biru, then dapat penyidai baju merah putih utk letak sejadah. (alhamdulillah).

Duduk lebih kurang dua tahun, masa tu nk ada pilihanraya kecil Parlimen KT antara Wahid Endut dan Datuk Wan Farid, jadi development pun sangatlah pesat. Maidam nak di renovate jadikan dua orang je sebilik. Serta merta dimintak pindah ke Kampus KUSZA, lelaki duduk di blok M perempuan blok L kot. Setahun jugakla kami meninggalkan MAIDAM. sobs~

Sem ke-6 dipindahkan lagi sekali balik MAIDAM, sebelum sem ke-7 disuruh pindah balik ke KUSZA blok O. NOMAD sangat kan kami nie. Nasib belajar 4 tahun je, kalau 8 tahun ntah pindah ke mana pulak?.

Jadi, apakah yg best pasal MAIDAM? Not much actually.
1- rasa dapat hidup bermasyarakat dengan orang rumah sekitar.
2- dekat dengan bandar, mudah nak cari barang keperluan dan utk urusan pergerakan.
3- internet wireless di maidam slow, tapi di KOTA laju!
Jadi, di kala malam yg sunyi, selalulah ke library atau kalau tutup, lepak kt cafe outdoor.
4- dekat dengan stesen bas. Takla kena bayar teksi RM25 ke kusza pagi2. Boleh angkat beg then berjalan dengan tabah merentasi kubur2 utk ke pintu pagar maidam.
5- mesin basuh yg tidak crowded sgt.
6- bebas memilih tempat makan. agak2 boring, keluar pi cari makan jaoh2 kt kelulut ke.
7- tak ramai sgt orang berebut tengok tv especially yg nk tgok bola.
8- dekat untuk ke kampus KOTA, nk buat research utk final year project lg.
9- senang nk jumpa lecturer.
10- dan banyak kenangan pahit manis disini. (rahsia)   ^^

Dahla kot. Tak larat nk bagi list. Nanti2 la tulis episod lain pulak. Bye~

- e. n. d. -

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Memoir UniSZA (Episod 1) : Classmate


Salam, unique creatures of the earth. (tiru dari sinie..)

Entri kali nie panjang. Mula2 korang bace blog sambil duduk atas kerusi. Pastu baring2. Pastu kepala mula bergoyang-goyang. Last2 tido kt blog nie. Abes enzim amilase kalian berguguran di atas keyboard. kesimpulannye, tulisla secara episod2...ini episod 1

I will leave UniSZA. Soon. Nak pack my stuff, tapi mood belom datang. I really don't feel like leaving. I don't want to leave anyone! or anything!~

For the first memoir edition, nak describe my "elegant & stylo" classmates. Korang sgt best! dan unik! Masing2 pandai buat lawak sampai cramp-pipi nk sengih kambing. Masing2 kuat sembang sampai tengah tido pun cakap. *ngigau* Masing2 sangat lovely, caring, kind hearted, half guardian like. DAN...masing2 kuat makan...dulu tgok macam teletubbies je, skrg mcm doraemon.

Dear my classmates.
U all are unique and awesome!. U guys can never be replaced! *lagu first lady berkumandang* Being with 24 of you was a really wonderful moments. Please stay in my heart forever. I decide to try this game. When I type my classmate names, what appears?

asyraf- ustad ceramah + blog CANGKUL HIJAU
nazri- blog SEMALAM + anti main bola
din- suka klik2 mouse merata-rawa
irfan- moto (ABM --> JFH)
yap- pendiam but yet talented
amer- jimat + budak pandai
ANNAS- business minded
hilman- breeder ikan laga
joy- straightforward
zaki- diva + artis
ju- kayak

sa'ah- sa'ahbaek + sa'ahcantek
HAJAR- jangok, lambat siap
maa- cute, complicated
ema- ingat amer kot
ra- tukang masak
hani- comel
mus- adorable
shu- budak pandai
killa- english novelist
ateh- independent
yah- lone ranger
deQa- simple

Seronok kalau dapat kumpul ramai2 sekelas lagi melancong sane-sini; trip2 kelas, pulau perhentian, sekayu, cameron, dan semua tempat yg kte dah pi same2. Maybe we can't do the same in future, but I still hope u can come for re-union.

Dan sila update diri anda di FB yea...especially in Closed Group FB. Kalau dapat interview mane2 pn khabo la. Boleh kte sharing2 kan. BTW, GOOD LUCK in your becoming life!

- e. n. d. -
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